What do we offer?
Best-in-class healthcare solutions
Clinical Optimization:
The Pillars of Excellence
We are here to partner with you to assess clinical and other services and to identify high value opportunities in order to meet your organization’s goals. We will focus on specific Pillars of Excellence to align people, processes, and technology to improve clinical outcomes and ROI.
Globally for anyone
Customized for you
Educational Solutions
AMIA offers interactive workshops, both virtually and on-site, relating the most relevant information on specific clinical and operational topics. We provide practical and skills-oriented instructions by domain experts to enhance your program capabilities.
Workflow Refinement
Review the most efficient way for physicians and other clinical staff to work within the EMR in order to redesign the processes and improve the effectiveness and satisfaction.
Value-based Solutions
Bundled payment systems
Revenue enhancement
Cost reductions and controls
Contract negotiations and analysis
Strategic Business Planning
Healthcare and Hospital system strategy
Change management and operational planning
Financial modeling
Review exisiting business plans
On-site assessment and needs evaluation
SWOT analysis